Podcast Fan: Why are you Here?

Pixabay: BedexpStock. Free for commercial use; no attribution required.

So you landed on this blog. You were searching. For something. Something podcast-related. Was it a specific episode? A particular podcast program? Are you new to podcasts and typed “podcast” into Google and somehow Pursuing Podcasts showed up?

This is a small blog. Despite having a huge backlog of episodes I’ve curated that I think are worth listening to, I post irregularly.  People show up but don’t comment. It takes time to write each post, but if no one reads them or comments or engages, meh, I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.

Should I keep curating and posting? Are there things that would improve the posts? Make them shorter? More akin to signposts pointing to good episodes rather than trying to summarize the whole thing?

Or maybe just include a few holy sh*t! takeaways. Little morsels; temptations.

I look at my WordPress stats and more people stumble upon this blog than my other one, despite posting more regularly on the other one. I’ve concluded that searches for “podcasts” or specific episodes are more common than searches for, well, what I write about on my other blog.

If you landed here and read some posts, let me know. What did you like? Not like? Did you listen to an episode after reading about it here? Were you glad for the suggestion?

Is there a podcast show or episode you thing is hammering it that I should check out?

Make some noise in the comments; let me know you’re here. And why.

I love podcasts and love telling people about great episodes. If you appreciate my curation efforts, let me know. It could be just what I need to start posting more regularly.

Help me figure out if I’m writing in a void. Or not.


Photo Source: BedexpStock on Pixabay


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